
AMQP 0.9.1 compliant

Supports all AMQP 0.9.1 protocol, from transactions to pluggable authentication mechanism.

RabbitMQ protocol extensions

Supports all of the RabbitMQ protocol extensions.

Ergonomic APIs

AMQP protocol has a broad range of operations that can be used together to do a lot of interesting messaging. However, not all combinations of those operations are allowed or even meaningful, which is annoying when using the official client. This client on the other hand, tries to have helpful and friendly APIs which guide the beginner while also helping the advanced user yet without sacrificing any meaningful power.

Cross platform

To this date, this library is the only AMQP scala library that supports all scala platforms.


Built on top of fs2 and cats effect, this library never blocks, never uses reflection or any black magic.

Out of the box utilities

Standard library and available integrations aim to provide friendly and easy to use tools which adhere to best practices in messaging systems.


You can extend and/or integrate library in user land, examples include pluggable SASL mechanisms, custom codecs and even protocol frame inspector.